Required Components:
- Understand Lab Con text : Learn about the lab environment and its safety
needs. Identify Key Safety Messages : Gather accurate data, safety protocols/needs, and best practices. - Choose a Focus : Tailor your design to your selected space. Consider factors such as the space’s needs, visibility, and surrounding context.
- Create Clear Messaging : Use concise, direct language. Employ bullet points, short phrases, or checklists where applicable.
- Incorporate Visual Elements: Use images, diagrams, icons, or color-coding to make the content more engaging and comprehensible.
- Highlight Important Actions : Ensure that the most critical information (e.g., safety warnings, PPE requirements) stands out visually.
- Explain Poster Design Choices: Describe how your choices enhance the safety communication.
- Specify the Location: Indicate which of the designated spaces you chose for your poster. Justify your choice by explaining why that location is ideal for reaching the intended audience and addressing safety concerns. Tips For Each Space
Submission Guidelines:
- Safety Poster: Poster pdf sized to selected location specifications.
- ≤300-Word Explanation of your poster, detailing:
- Where the poster would be displayed and why that location is ideal for your poster’s purpose.
- How your communication design choices (e.g., visuals, wording, layout) enhance clarity, engagement, and safety awareness for employees.
- Submissions are due by 5:00p.m. March 21.
Evaluation Criteria: Entries will be evaluated by a committee of faculty and alumni based on appropriateness for the genre, relevance, depth of exploration, clarity, correctness, and persuasiveness.
Prizes: The prizes for this prompt will be 1st place $2,500, 2nd place $1,500, and 3rd place $500.
Selected posters may be used by the space, but use is not guaranteed.