Graduate Program Leadership

Dr. Andrei Fedorov

Dr. Andrei FedorovAssociate Chair for Graduate Studies
Love Building, Room 303, (404) 385-1356


  • Oversight of the graduate program in the Woodruff School
  • Career counseling and advice
  • Ex officio member of the School's Graduate Committee
  • Liaison for the graduate program with other academic units on the Georgia Tech campus

Dr. Bert Bras

Dr. Bert BrasAssociate Chair for Administration
MRDC Building, Room 3218, (404) 894-9667



  • Responsible for the scheduling of classes and registration

Dr. Steven Biegalski

Dr. Steven BiegalskiNuclear and Radiological Engineering and Medical Physics Program Chair
Boggs Building, Room 3-39S (404) 894-3718


  • Administers the Nuclear and Radiological Engineering/Medical Physics Programs



Dr. Michael J. Leamy

Michael J. LeamyDirector of Graduate Studies



  • Assists in the advisement of graduate students

ME & NRE Graduate Academic Advisors

The Woodruff School’s Office of Student Services is located in the MRDC Building, Room 3112.

Office Hours

Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – noon to 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Academic advising hours are Monday-Friday, 9-11am and 1-3pm.

Walk-in advisement is on Wednesdays only; no need to schedule an appointment.

Appointments scheduled Monday-Tuesdays can be in-person or virtual, per the student’s preference. Appointments on Thursdays and Fridays will be virtual.


BooknowClick the icon to book an appointment.

Ms. Camellia Henry

Ms. Camellia HenryAcademic Advisor II
MRDC Building, Room 3112, (404) 894-3204


  • Assists graduate students with programs of study, degree audits, graduate committee actions, and support forms.
  • Advises graduate students with last names beginning with A-J.

Ms. Glenda Johnson

Ms. Glenda Johnson Academic Advising Manager
MRDC Building, Room 3112, (404) 385-0586


  • Assists graduate students with programs of study, degree audits, graduate committee actions, and support forms.
  • Advises graduate students with last names beginning with   U - Z.

Ms. Katherine Drake

Ms. Katherine DrakeAcademic Advisor I
MRDC Building, Room 3112, (404) 894-3204 



  • Assists graduate students with programs of study, degree audits, graduate committee actions, and support forms.
  •  Advises graduate students with last names beginning with K-T.




Woodruff School graduate students are strongly encouraged to apply for competitive national fellowships. View for a complete list of fellowships. In addition, the University of Illinois maintains a web site on graduate fellowships through the IRIS database. You may search IRIS from any computer at Georgia Tech. See

Writing and Presentation Assistance

The Woodruff School provides writing and presentation assistance for graduate students through the Frank K. Webb Program in Professional Communication, coordinated by Dr. Jeffrey Donnell (Ph.D. in English, Emory University). Dr. Donnell is available to review technical manuscripts, to help you prepare and rehearse technical presentations, and help you prepare graduate fellowship applications. Contact Dr. Donnell at or go to MRDC, Room 3104.

Jill Fennell

Jill FennellFrank K. Webb Academic Professional Chair in Communication Skills
MRDC Building, Room 3410, (404)-894-7552



  • Assists with NSF, DoD, and similar fellowships

Graduate Academic Administration

Aniis Lester

Academic Assistant II
MRDC Building, Room 3112, (404) 894-3204

  • Greets and assists students, faculty, staff and visitors to the Office of Student Services
  • Assists advisors in scheduling appointments
  • Provides general information to office visitors and handles initial queries by students

Mary George

Mary George

Academic Assistant II
MRDC Building, Room 3112, (404) 894-6764



  • Assists the Graduate Advising Group with various administrative functions such as BSMS/MS/PhD admissions

Woodruff School Graduate Committee

The Woodruff School Graduate Committee is the academic faculty committee that oversees the operation of the Woodruff School's graduate programs. The committee has responsibility for all graduate-level degree requirements, approval of new courses, and approval of thesis reading committees. The committee typically meets once a month.

Woodruff School Graduate Student Development Committee

The Graduate Student Development Committee (GSDC) is responsible for fostering the recruitment and development of the graduate students of the Woodruff School. 

Charges and Responsibilities 
  • Recruit top tier students to the Woodruff School graduate programs
  • Support the planning and execution the graduate student recruiting visit days
  • Work to continually improve the experience, resources, training, and services we offer to Woodruff School graduate students
  • Promote and facilitate interaction between the Woodruff School graduate students and faculty

The committee includes faculty members across all ranks and levels of experience at Georgia Tech to the extent possible, and be representative of the GWW School’s Research Area Groups. The committee’s chair and membership are determined by the GWW School’s Faculty Advisory Committee in conjunction with the School Chair. The committee includes the Associate Chair for Graduate Studies (ex-officio), the Director of the Office of Student Services (ex-officio), and the staff (graduate advisors) of the Office of Student Services (ex-officio). The committee also includes one representative from each of the following graduate student groups: Woodruff School Graduate Women (WSGW,, Mechanical Engineering Graduate Association (MEGA,, Latino Organization of Graduate Students (LOGRAS), and the Black Graduate Student Association (BGSA, Each student representative shall serve one academic year.  These graduate student representatives are present to provide a direct line of communication from the student body to the faculty and school leadership.

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