This year’s challenge asks you to deliver a TED Talk-style presentation that highlights how your research (or a significant research interest) addresses pressing challenges or contributes to advancements that impact daily life, public safety, or societal well-being. 

These talks are limited to 5 minutes, during which you must make your research (or a significant research interest) and its value accessible to a public audience. 

Competition Logistics:

  • The first round of the competition will be recorded presentations. During this stage, provide a link to your video presentation, the title of your talk, and a 150-word summary by 5:00p.m. March 21.
    • Recommendations:
      • Recording yourself standing in front of your slide(s) delivering your presentation just as you would in person.
      • Do not submit a voice-over run
        through of your slides.
  • Top entries will be invited to present at the live event on April 11. You must be able to attend and participate in this event to win.

Evaluation Criteria: Entries will be evaluated by a committee of faculty and alumni based on appropriateness for the genre, significance of potential impact, clarity, innovation and relevance to the field, and engagement and delivery style.

Prizes: The prizes for this prompt will be 1st place $3,000, 2nd place $1,500, and 3rd Place $500.

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