Georgia Tech recently held a recognition reception and honors luncheon and awarded two faculy members from the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering with honors.

Dr. Satish Kumar, assistant professor, received a 2014 Sigma Xi Young Faculty Award for his research in the area of electro-thermal transport in carbon nanostructures and their emerging devices. Sigma Xi Young Faculty Award is given to assistant professors or equivalent for the outstanding papers published in scholarly journals. In receiving this award, Kumar is recognized for his contributions in investigating thermal properties at graphene-metal interfaces and electrical breakdown characteristics of carbon nanotube network transistors. This analysis has provided new insights into interactions between carbon nano-structures and their contacts, which can be used to enhance performance and reliability of flexible electronics such as electronic displays and large area sensors.

Dr. Brandon Dixon, assistant professor, received a CETL/BP Junior Faculty Teaching Excellence Award. As a recipient, Dixon is recognized for his excellent teaching and educational innovation that he brings to his classroom and beyond.