Are you interested in learning what engineering is about? Do you want to get a glimpse of what goes on regarding teaching in the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech? If so, you may be interested in viewing a recent online offering of an “Introduction to Engineering Mechanics” by Dr. Wayne Whiteman. While this course is currently archived, simply sign up and you'll see that all the course material, including handouts, quizzes, and solutions, is still available on the MOOC's website. If you'd prefer to earn a "Statement of Accomplishment" for the class, Dr. Whiteman will be offering this course again in early Fall. Plans are also being made for a follow-on course entitled “Applications in Engineering Mechanics.”

Dr. Whiteman is the Director of the Office of Student Services and a Senior Academic Professional in the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering. In addition to his administrative responsibilities, he teaches in the areas of engineering mechanics, dynamics and vibration, and engineering design. He also conducts the Woodruff School Teaching Fellows Program, which provides workshops for faculty colleagues to improve teaching skills and enhance learning environments. Dr. Whiteman is involved in scholarship and research in the areas of engineering education and teaching and learning initiatives.