Ph.D. Degree Program

Requirements for the various Ph.D. degree programs, degree checklist, and information on: advising, qualifying exams, seminars, teaching practicum, dissertation, deadlines, and applying to graduate.

Student Resources

Ph.D. Advising

All new GRA's and GTA's must participate in the thesis advisor selection process during the first month of their first semester in the Woodruff School.


All Ph.D. students must register for Seminar 8014 (2 credit hours- no letter grade- attend at least 22 seminars).


Ph.D. Proposal

The objective of the Ph.D. Proposal is to allow an early assessment of your chosen topic of research for the satisfactory completion of the doctoral degree.

Ph.D. Deadlines

Thesis deadlines are firm, and if you don't submit yours by the deadline, your graduation may be delayed. Here are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to submitting theses or dissertations.

Ph.D. Qualifying Examination

The qualifying examination provides an early assessment of your potential to satisfactorily complete the requirements for the doctoral degree.

Teaching Practicum

All Woodruff School Ph.D. students are required to complete three semester hours of Teaching Practicum (ME/NRE 7757) during the course of their doctoral studies.

Ph.D. Dissertation

All Ph.D. students at the Woodruff School should review the following requirements and guidelines to prepare for their dissertation.


Apply to Graduate

On-line Application for Graduation Instructions.