Kurfess on Dean's Uncommon Engineering Podcast
Before he began his tenure as Georgia Tech's new provost, the College of Engineering's Dean Steven McLaughlin sat down with Thomas Kurfess to talk about the future of manufacturing for an episode of the Uncommon Engineer podcast.
Kurfess is a professor and HUSCO/Ramirez Distinguished Chair in Fluid Power and Motion Control in the Woodruff School as well as the Chief Manufacturing Officer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Kurfess is also a member of the National Academy of Engineering's Class of 2020.
The Future of Manufacturing
Advanced manufacturing is a quickly evolving research area that focuses on products from industries like aerospace and medical devices. It requires the latest technology and high levels of design that are considerably more complex than traditional manufacturing. Our guest, Tom Kurfess, is a professor in the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech and is currently serving as Chief Manufacturing Officer at Oakridge National Laboratory in Tennessee.