September 23, 2020

Assistant professor Marta Hatzell is part of a five-person team awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Future Manufacturing grant which will support fundamental research to discover and develop future manufacturing concepts that enable fabrication of reliable, energy dense, and easily recyclable next generation lithium-ion batteries. Hatzell will work with co-principal investigators Professors Paul Braun, Nenad Milkovic, Nicola Perry, and Pingfeng Wang from the Illinois Materials Research Laboratory and industry partners including Xerion Advanced Battery Corp., the Illinois NSF Center for Power Optimization of Electro-Thermal Systems, and Oak Ridge National Laboratories.

Hatzell and her research team at Georgia Tech team will investigate methods for recycling lithium-ion batteries at the end of their lifecycle.

Two bottlenecks to widespread electrification are developing batteries with recycling and thermal management in mind,” said Hatzell. “This proposed research program tries to begin to address these issues (thermal design, recycling) in parallel to material design and manufacturing.

For more information about the project, read the Illinois Grainger College of Engineering press release.