FloMera won second place in the 2013 Ideas to SERVE (I2S) Competition at Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business for an in-home breast cancer test that requires only a single drop of blood. This team includes mechanical engineering PhD student Billy Wang, MBA students Jimmy He and Jessica Walling, and Emory law student Ernesto Escobar.

The FloMera team, which also won the People's Choice Award, is part of the Technological Innovation: Generating Economic Results (TI:GER program), a collaboration between Georgia Tech and Emory Law School that brings together PhD, MBA, and law students to work on commercializing early-stage technologies.

Twenty-nine teams from multiple Colleges at Tech competed in the preliminary round (up from 18 last year), before getting narrowed down to five for the finals. More than 35 judges were involved in the competition, including social entrepreneurs and environmental sustainability researchers and advocates.

In all, I2S awarded $20,000 in cash prizes as well as service packages provided by in-kind sponsors.

Read about all the winners.