Offered Every Spring

Credit Hours:3-0-3
Prerequisites:ME 3017 (System Dynamics) or Equivalent
Catalog Description:Analysis and design of robotic systems including arms and vehicles. Kinematics and dynamics. Algorithms for describing, planning, commanding and controlling motion force.
Textbooks:Craig J.J., Introduction to Robotics, Mechanics and Control, Addison Wesley

Instructors:Ye-Hwa Chen, Kok-Meng Lee, Nader Sadegh, Jun Ueda
Optional:The Student Edition of MATLAB, Prentice Hall. (available with or without computer disks.) The Student Edition of Simulink, Prentice Hall.
References:Angeles, J., Fundamentals of Robotic Mechanical Systems: Theory, Methods, and Algorithms; Murray, R., Li, Z., Sastry, S., A Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulation
Goals:The course is oriented to the designers of robotic systems. It will strive to give an understanding of the mathematical tools and algorithms incorporated in the motion and force planning and control and to impart some skill in using these methods. It will not dwell on the technologies of actuators, sensors, computers and effectors or controllers.
Prerequisites by topics:
  • Undergraduate Newtonian physics, matrix algebra, geometry, reasonable programming competence in a higher level language.
  • More advanced courses in dynamics, automatic controls or kinematics will give the student a fuller understanding and some advantages in working some problems.
  • Rigid Body Kinematics
  • Rotation Matrices
  • Homogeneous Coordinate Transformations.
  • D-H Conventions.
  • Standard Configurations. Redundancy
  • Vehicles. Flexible Links. Calibration
  • Inverse Kinematics
  • Inverse Kinematics
  • Jacobians and Differential Kinematics.
  • Kinematic Singularities
  • Redundancy Analysis. Inverse Kinematics by Computation. (formerly exam)
  • Static Force Analysis. Dynamics by Lagrange's Method
  • Dynamics. Model Properties. Examples
  • Dynamics by Newton-Euler
  • Alternative Methods. Parallel Links. Vehicles.
  • Flexible Links. Direct and Inverse Dynamics
  • EXAM
  • Trajectory Planning - Joint Space
  • Trajectory Planning - Operational Space. Vehicles. Obstacle avoidance for arms and vehicles.
  • Motion control - simple
  • Motion control - advanced
  • Control with interaction with the environment. Compliance.
  • Impedance.
  • Force control
  • Robot programming and control systems
  • Review
  • Project presentations
Grading Scheme (%):





Midterm Exam


Final Exam


Homework:The homework will involve analytical and computer solutions of problems. Be prepared to spend considerable time on these assignments. They will also prepare you for the project and exams. The homework turned in should represent the individual's effort. Discussion among the students in the class is encouraged, however.
Project:The project will address an application to be discussed early in the quarter. It will focus on developing a robotic system to meet the application's specifications. Software and skills developed and used in the homework assignments should be useful in completing the project.
Other:You will need access to a computer with graphics display and printer and an application package capable of standard matrix manipulations. Matlab is recommended and available on the ME computer clusters. Mathematica is also useful and a reasonable substitute if you are skilled. It will not be supported with discussion in class, however.