Fredda Lerner

Fredda LernerWhat is your connection to Georgia Tech?   

I graduated with a B.S. in mechanical engineering from Georgia Tech in 1981.

What is your current professional role? Please list a few notable career accomplishments.

I am a Senior Engineering Specialist at the Aerospace Corporation in Chantilly, VA. I was one of the very few and first women mechanical engineers when I began in April 1981 in Space Shuttle Cargo Operations at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. I have been working in many facets of engineering during my career including design, systems, management, and program management.  I am a chapter co-author of the very recently published graduate-level textbook, Emerging Trends in Systems Engineering Leadership: Practical Research from Women Leaders (Women in Engineering and Science).

Why are you passionate about WoW?

Diversity enables and embraces creativity. Out-of-the-box design and systems thinking require creativity. When I started my career in 1982, there were very few women in engineering. The numbers have increased - but not nearly enough.

What are your hobbies and passions? 

My hobbies are very diverse: I have been a scuba diver for over 30 years and have been all over the world pursuing my passion for scuba. My favorite place to dive is North Sulawesi, Indonesia.   Another favorite of mine is safari and my favorite safari destination is Tanzania. Finally, my home hobby is cold glass working, that is, designing and building stained glass panels and lamps.

What is your favorite quote? 

“Knowledge speaks but wisdom listens.”  -Jimi Hendrix

What advice would you give a young female engineer?

Pursue your passion and make a difference. Know that your path is not always a straight line. Keep your priorities straight: family is the most important factor in your life. Love of family enables you to grow in your life and your career.

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