- Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1996
- M.E., University of Florida, 1992
- B.S., University of Maryland, 1991
Steven Biegalski is the Chair of Nuclear and Radiological Engineering and Medical Physics Program at Georgia Institute of Technology. He has three degrees in nuclear engineering from University of Maryland, University of Florida, and University of Illinois, respectively. Early in his career Dr. Biegalski was the Director of Radionuclide Operations at the Center for Monitoring Research. In this position Dr. Biegalski led international efforts to develop and implement radionuclide effluent monitoring technologies. This work supported both US national capabilities and international treaties. Dr. Biegalski was a faculty member at The University of Texas at Austin for 15 years and held the position of Reactor Director for The University of Texas at Austin TRIGA reactor for over a decade. He has advised 25 Ph.D. students to graduation and holds Professional Engineering licenses in the states of Texas and Virginia.
Dr. Biegalski's current research focus is on nuclear analytical methods, research isotope production, nuclear forensics, and nuclear non-proliferation.
Distinctions & Awards
- ANS member since 1989
- PEEC member 2005-2010
- Isotopes and Radiation Division (IRD)
- IRD Executive Committee 2008-2015
- IRD Vice Chair 2013-2014
- IRD Chair – 2014-2015
- IRD Ex-Officio – 2015-present
- Biology and Medicine Division (BMD)
- BMD Executive Committee 2008-2014, 2015-present
- BMD Secretary/Treasurer 2009-2012
- BMD Vice-Chair 2012-2013
- BMD Chair 2013-2014
- BMD Ex-Officio 2014-2015
- Assistant General Chair – 2015 ANS Annual Meeting in San Antonio, TX
- The University of Texas System Regent’s Outstanding Teaching Award (2013)
- Faculty Research Assignment, UT (2011)
- Chevron Centennial Fellowship in Engineering No. 2, UT (2008)
- ANS Graduate Student Design Competition (2006) – Advisor
- National Research Council Post-Doctoral Fellowship recipient
- Alpha Nu Sigma Honor Society
- INPO fellowship recipient
- DOE fellowship recipient
- American Nuclear Society, Best Paper Award, 1994
1. C. Johnson, S.R. Biegalski, E.J. Artnak, E. Moll, D.A. Haas, J.D. Lowrey, V.T. Woods, P. Humble, C.E. Aalseth, A. Seifert, E.K. Mace, “37Ar Production and Release Rate from the UT TRIGA Mark-II Research Reactor,” submitted to Environmental Radioactivity, 2016.
2. C. Johnson, S. Biegalski, D. Haas, J. Lowrey, T.W. Bowyre, C.E. Aalseth, P. Humble, E.K. Mace, A. Seifert, “Detection of Radioxenon Released from Medical Isotope Production in Subsurface Air,” submitted to Environmental Radioactivity, 2016.
3. M. T. Montgomery, M. D. Yoho, S. R. Biegalski, S. Landsberger , L. Welch “A 14 MeV neutron irradiation facility with an automated fast cyclic pneumatic” Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 309(1), 101-106, 2016.
4. Biegalski, S.R., Tipping, T.N., Klingberg, F.J. , "Preparation of Radioxenon and Radioargon Mixed Sources for IFE 2014" Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 307(3), 1837-1840, 2016.
5. Dayman, K., Biegalski, S. ; Haas, D. , Prinke, A. , Stave, S. "Evaluation of Independent and Cumulative Fission Product Yields with Gamma Spectroscopy" Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 207(3), 2239-2245, 2016.
6. C. Johnson, Justin Lowrey , Derek Haas , Steven Biegalski "Examination of Local Atmospheric Transport of Radioxenon in the Ottawa River Valley" Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 307(3), 2155-2159, 2016.
7. Klingberg, F.J., Biegalski, S.R. , Prinke, A. , Haas, D., Lowrey, J. "Analysis 125Xe electron-photon coincidence decay" Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 307(3), 1933-1939, 2016.
8. Lowrey, J.D., Haas, D.A., Biegalski, S.R. "Consideration of Impact of Atmospheric Intrusion in Subsurface Sampling for Investigation of Suspected Underground Nuclear Explosions" submitted to the Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 307(3), 2439-2444, 2016.
9. Olsen,K.B., Kirkham R.R., Woods,V.T., Haas,D.H , Hayes,J.C., Bowyer, .W., Mendoza,D.P. , Lowrey,J.D. , Lukins,C.D., Suarez,R.D., Humble,P.H., Ellefson,M.D, Ripplinger,M.D., Zhong,L., Mitroshkov,A.V., Aalseth,C.E., Prinke, A.M., Mace, E.K., McIntyre, J.I., Stewart, T.L., Mackley, R.D., Milbrath,B.D., Emer,D.F., Biegalski,S.R., "Noble Gas Migration Experiment to Support The Detection of Underground Nuclear Explosions" Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 207(3), 2603-2610, 2016.
10. F.J. Klingberg, S. Biegalski, “Improvements in High Purity Radioxenon Sample Preparation and Analysis”, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemisty,304(3), 1145-1152, (2015).
11. W.H. Wilson, S.R. Biegalski, C. Johnson, D. Haas, J. Lowrey, “Cosmic-Ray Induced Production of Radioactive Noble Gases in the Atmosphere, Ground, and Seawater,” Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 305:183-192 (2015). (Role: Project PI, student advisor, and data analysis)
12. C. Johnson, S. Biegalski, J. Lowrey, and D. Haas, “ Regional Transport of Radioxenon Released from the Chalk River Laboratories Medical Isotope Facility,” Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 305:183-192 (2015) (Role: Project PI, student advisor, and data analysis)
13. K. Dayman, S. Biegalski, “Determination of Short-Lived Fission Product Yields with Gamma Spectroscopy,” Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 205:213-223 (2015). (Role: Project PI, student advisor, and data analysis).
14. F. J. Klingberg, S. R. Biegalski, D.A. Haas, A. Prinke, “127Xe coincidence decay analysis in support of CTBT Verification,” Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 305(1), 225-232 (2015). (Role: Project PI, student advisor, and data analysis)
15. R.I. Palomares, K.J. Dayman, S. Landsberger, S.R. Biegalski, C.Z. Soderquist, A.J. Casella, M.C. Brady Raap, J.M. Schwantes, “Measuring the Noble Metal and Iodine Composition of Extracted Noble Metal Phase from Spent Nuclear Fuel Using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis,” Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 98, 66-70, 2015. (Role: student advisor, experimental design, and data analysis).
16. C. Johnson, S. Biegalski, H. Armstrong, W. Wilson, “Examination of radioargon production by cosmic neutron interactions,” Environmental Radioactivity, 140, 123-129, 2015. (Role: Project PI, student advisor, and data analysis)
17. J.D. Lowrey, A.G. Osborne, S.R. Biegalski, M.R. Deinert, “Comparison of numerically stable methods for implementation of a double-porosity model with first order reaction terms,” Transport in Porous Media, 106 (1), 33-45, 2015. (Role: Project PI, student advisor, and review of data.)
18. R. Gomez, S. Biegalski, V. Woods, “Aerosol Sample Inhomogeneity in Samples with Debris from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident,” Environmental Radioactivity, 135, 1-5, 2014. (Role: Project PI, student advisor, experimental design, data analysis, and review of data.)
19. A. Reinhart, A. Athey, S. Biegalski, “Spatially-Aware Temporal Mapping of Gamma Spectra,” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 31(3), 1284-1289, 2014. (Role: Aided in the student advising and testing of the system).
20. P.W. Eslinger, T.W. Bowyer, M.W. Cooper, D.A. Haas, J.C. Hayes, H.S. Miley, J.P. Rishel, V.T. Woods, S.R. Biegalski, I. Hoffman, E. Korpach, J. Yi, K. Ungar, and B. White,” Source term estimation of radioxenon released from the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear reactors using measured air concentrations and atmospheric transport modeling,” Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 127, 127-132, 2014. (Role: Data analysis and nuclear forensics.)