Triple Particle Imaging via Polysiloxane Scintillators for Mixed Radiation Field Applications
The international nuclear nonproliferation mission requires radiation detectors that can provide reliable information on special nuclear material while in a mixed radiation field. In such environments, fast neutrons, gamma-rays and thermal neutrons can all contribute to your signal. Off-the-shelf plastic organic scintillators are typically polyvinyl-toulene-based and have been studied extensively, but their shelf life and lack of radiation hardness limit their fieldability. Scintillators based on a polysiloxane matrix are radiation-hard, temperature stable, and have recently shown detection of fast neutrons and gammas capabilities on-par with commercial options, but need further development for efficient thermal neutron detection. The proposed work aims to address three such development gaps: (1) develop a methodology to untangle the contributions from multiple particles, (2) conduct long-term studies on shelf-life and radiation hardness, and (3) construct a prototype imaging array for real-world, mixed-field application spaces. These studies will provide a comprehensive understanding of polysiloxane scintillator’s characteristics and potential for application in the nuclear nonproliferation mission.