Hertel to Join ORNL
Calling all alumni... Are you interested in brushing up on your Statics skills? Would you like to know what’s going on in the Woodruff School lately? Want to be among the first to participate in an ME free massive open online course (MOOC)? You can get all this PLUS a commemorative ME125 gift if you register to take “Applications in Engineering Mechanics, taught by our very own Dr. Wayne Whiteman beginning November 4.
Ten university projects, including one from the Georgia Institute of Technology, to conduct advanced turbine technology research under the Office of Fossil Energy’s University Turbine Systems Research (UTSR) Program have been selected by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for additional development.
For the fourth consecutive year, funding provided through Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) by the NNSA Next Generation Safeguards Initiative has allowed Georgia Tech students enrolled in the Nuclear Safeguards class to spend a week (over Spring Break) at ORNL taking the Nondestructive Assay (NDA) Applications for International Safeguards laboratory course. The students cover a variety of applications from uranium enrichment measurements to radioactive material holdup measurements.
Defects such as cracks in a material can be responsible for the failure of structures as big as the nuclear reactors to the smart phones in our pockets. Now researchers from Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Pittsburg, Sandia National Laboratories and Zhejiang University (China) have discovered a new type of atomic-scale defect, called stacking fault tetrahedron, that can critically affect the deformation and fracture of pressure vessels in nuclear reactors and interconnects in smart phones.
Are you interested in brushing up on your Statics skills? Want to know what’s going on in the Woodruff School lately? Consider taking a free massive open online course (MOOC) entitled “Introduction to Engineering Mechanics” taught by our very own Dr. Wayne Whiteman to begin on September 16. This MOOC will address the material covered in the 1st half of the Statics course at George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Tech.