IMat Intro with David McDowell
You’ve probably heard that Georgia Tech has a number of Interdisciplinary Research Institutes (IRIs) – but do you know much about them? Executive Director David McDowell answers questions about the newly launched Georgia Tech Institute for Materials (IMat).
Thomas Honored with BMES Young Investigator Award
Ueda Receives NSF Grant
Dr. Jun Ueda received an National Science Foundation (NSF) grant from the Dynamical Systems (DS) program in the Division of Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) for his research on nonuniformly quantized actuation in biological motion generation.
4 NRE Students Receive Financial Support to Pursue Degree
The Energy Department awarded nearly $5 million to undergraduate and graduate students pursuing nuclear engineering and science degrees. The awards include 37 undergraduate scholarships (1 from Georgia Tech) and 31 graduate-level fellowships (3 from Georgia Tech) for students studying at American colleges and universities.
4 NRE Students Receive Financial Support to Pursue Degree
The Energy Department awarded nearly $5 million to undergraduate and graduate students pursuing nuclear engineering and science degrees. The awards include 37 undergraduate scholarships (1 from Georgia Tech) and 31 graduate-level fellowships (3 from Georgia Tech) for students studying at American colleges and universities.
ME Team Wins 2014 Hetenyi Award
A paper whose authors include by Bhaskar Pant, Sukwon Choi, Eva Baumert, Brian Allen, Samuel Graham, Ken Gall, and Olivier Pierron, entitled, “MEMS-Based Nanomechanics: Influence of MEMS Design on Test Temperature,” published in Experimental Mechanics, 52(6), 607-618, 2012, has been selected to receive the Society for Experimental