Wepfer Design Commons Dedicated

On Friday, January 17, 2020, alumni, donors, faculty, staff, and students gathered outside of the Flowers Invention Studio to honor Dr. Bill Wepfer for his years of service and celebrate the completion of the Wepfer Design Commons. Construction of the Wepfer Design Commons, which includes the Montgomery Machining Mall, Flowers Invention Studio, IDEA Lab, and Electronics Lab, began during Dr. Wepfer's tenure as Chair of the George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering and was completed in 2019.

Building A Drivable Couch

It all started out as a bit of a challenge — linked to the Grassroots Motorsports Magazine $2000 Challenge.

“We’ve always taken a couch with us to racing competitions. It just gives us somewhere to sit comfortably,” explained Thomas Barone, mechanicale engineering major and press secretary of Wreck Racing.