Former School Chair Bill Wepfer Elected President of ABET

Baltimore – On March 14, the ABET Board of Delegates elected 2020-2021 officers during the Spring Governance Meetings. The newly elected officers are William Wepfer as 2020-2021 ABET President-Elect and Charles Menke as At-Large Director. Gillian Bond was re-elected as ABET Secretary and David Whitman as ABET Treasurer. They will be inaugurated during the fall 2020 ABET Board of Directors Meeting.

Professor Yuhang Hu Receives 2019 Extreme Mechanics Letters (EML) Young Investigator Award

Yuhang Hu, Assistant Professor in the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology, has been named a recipient of the 2019 Extreme Mechanics Letters (EML) Young Investigator Award for a paper entitled, “Indentation adhesion of hydrogels over a wide range of length and ti