
Shell Tutoring

With the generous support of Shell, the Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering is able to offer tutoring in the ME and COE classes listed below.  Tutoring for Fall 2024 semester started and runs through the last day of classes. Shell tutoring is all in-person. For virtual tutoring, check out the Knack Tutoring Program.  Tutoring runs through the last official day of class excluding final exams, official school breaks and reading days. 

            Knack Tutoring

COE 2001: Statics

  • Mondays from 6-8 PM, 4th Floor of MRDC
  • Tuesdays from 6-8 PM, 4th Floor of MRDC
  • Wednesdays from 6-8 PM, 4th Floor of MRDC
  • Thursdays from 6-8 PM, 4th Floor of MRDC

COE 3001: Deformable Bodies

  • Mondays from 6-8 PM, 4th Floor of MRDC
  • Tuesdays from 6-8 PM, 4th Floor of MRDC
  • Wednesdays from 6-8 PM, 4th Floor of MRDC
  • Thursdays from 6-8 PM, 4th Floor of MRDC

ME 2016: Computing Techniques

  • Mondays from 6-8 PM, 4th Floor of MRDC
  • Wednesdays from 6-8 PM, 4th Floor of MRDC

ME 2202: Dynamics of Rigid Bodies

  • Tuesdays from 6-8 PM, 4th Floor of MRDC
  • Thursdays from 6-8 PM, 4th Floor of MRDC

ME 3017: System Dynamics

  • Mondays from 6-8 PM, 4th Floor of MRDC
  • Wednesdays from 6-8 PM, 4th Floor of MRDC

ME 3322: Thermodynamics

  • Mondays from 6-8 PM, 4th Floor of MRDC
  • Wednesdays from 6-8 PM, 4th Floor of MRDC

ME 3340: Fluid Mechanics

  • Tuesdays from 6-8 PM, 4th Floor of MRDC
  • Thursdays from 6-8 PM, 4th Floor of MRDC

ME 3345: Heat Transfer

  • Tuesdays from 6-8 PM, 4th Floor of MRDC
  • Thursdays from 6-8 PM, 4th Floor of MRDC

Tutoring Options

  • Drop-In Tutoring is provided for many of high demand courses including math, computer science, chemistry and physics. No appointments are necessary.  These sessions are offered in a combination of virtual and in-person options.  
  • Knack Tutoring offers tutors that are fellow peers that already aced the class, and/or sign up as a Knack Tutor to help your peers in classes you have aced. They offer tutoring in many courses including mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, math, computer science, physics, etc.   All tutoring through Knack is virtual.
  • Peer-Led Undergraduate Study (PLUS) Sessions provide opportunities for students enrolled in traditionally challenging courses to work together to review course content, develop learning and study strategies, and prepare for exams. These voluntary sessions are offered several times each week and are facilitated by peer leaders (PLUS leaders) who have already successfully completed the course.  Courses include math, physics, chemistry, and more.  
  • Learning Assistant Program facilitates student learning and small group discussions inside the classroom. 
  • Communications Center is available to help students with things like multimodal projects for ENGL classes and reports or presentations for upper level classes.
  • The Office of Minority Education (OMED) offers several tutoring options for students including walk-in tutoring services, guided study groups, study sessions, concept class reviews and focus on physics sessions.  All students are invited to these sessions. 

Academic Support

  • Academic Coaching provides students with a chance to work individually with professional staff members to improve their academic skills, confidence and performance.
  • Exploratory Advising is a process that focuses on cross-curricular academic advising, career assessment, guided exploration of majors and careers, and programming to allow students opportunities to explore different fields; our students can discover their passions and make an informed decision on a major.
  • The Success Summit is a once a semester half-day program especially designed for Tech students who want to make changes and improve academically. Students attending Summit participate in a series of workshops and panels to help them set goals for the upcoming semester.
  • Reading Day Study Sessions are available at the end of each term.  
  • GT2801: Study Strategies Seminar is a 1 credit, grade-bearing course for students on Academic Probation. GT2801 provides a solution-based opportunity to learn skills, strategies, and ways of thinking that will assist in restoring your scholastic standing.

Counseling Center Resources

The Center for Mental Health Care & Resources is committed to the health and well-being of our campus community. They are the first stop for students who are seeking counseling options.  Call to sent up an appointment with them. Their programs include:

  • Individual and Group Counseling
  • On-line Counseling:  Uwill offers 5 free virtual individual counseling sessions to all currently enrolled Georgia Tech students. They can register with their Georgia Tech student email address to access these sessions and other resources.
  • Collegiate Recovery Program
  • Peer Coaching
  • Mental Health Portal
  • Diversity Events
  • Tech Ends Suicide Together
  • Let's Talk: Walk-In Counseling Services

Free Online Courses for COE 2001, COE 3001, ME 2202 and ME 3180

Some of our ME professors has developed on-line versions of statics, dynamics and deformable bodies (mechanics of materials).  These courses are continuously available for all students.

COE 2001 - Statics

COE 3001 - Deformable Bodies

ME 2202 - Dynamics of Rigid Bodies

ME 3180 - Machine Design

  • Machine Design Part 1 - Fundamental mechanical design topics, such as static and fatigue failure theories, the analysis of shafts, fasteners, and gears, and the design of mechanical systems
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