All Ph.D. students must register for Seminar 8014 (2 credit hours- no letter grade- attend at least 22 seminars).
You must keep track of each seminar that you attend (date, speaker, title of seminar). After you attend 22 seminars, submit the online Seminar Registration Form during registration period. Once the approval process is completed, you will be issued a permit to register for seminar credit. Once you have this permission, you must formally register for the seminar course (ME/ NRE 8014).
To initiate your Seminar Registration Form, please go to the following link and follow the online instructions:
Please note: This course is offered on a pass/fail basis and therefore are not included in the 42 semester-hours degree requirement. Attendance at a minimum of 22 seminars is necessary to pass, with the attendance record being cumulative from semester to semester. Registration for these credits occurs after you attend the requisite number of seminars.
Any graduate research seminar given in the Woodruff School may be used to satisfy this requirement provided that the seminar is not part of another course for which you are registered. Numerous seminars are given by visitors, faculty, and thesis students. Notices are posted on the Woodruff School's Calendar. Additional announcements are also posted on the digital display and bulletin board outside the Woodruff School Office of Student Services in MRDC. Graduate students are encouraged to attend seminars regularly.