- PhD, The University of Texas at Austin, December 2007
- M.S. Mechanical Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin, May 2005
- B.S.E. Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, April 2001
Upon completion of her Ph.D., Dr. Linsey was an Assistant Professor at Texas A&M for five years. Dr. Linsey joined Georgia Tech in January 2013.
- Design Cognition
- Engineering Design Theory and Methods
- Engineering Innovation and Creativity
- Design by Analogy / Bioinspired Design
- Engineering Education
Dr. Linsey focuses on the development of new methods and tools to support the early phases of the design process with a particular focus on innovation and conceptual design. Her research is an integration of engineering design and cognitive psychology to study design cognition. Her research seeks to understand designers' cognitive processes with the goal of creating better tools and approaches to enhance innovation. She focuses on development of new methods and tools to support the early phases of the design process with a particular focus on innovation and conceptual design.
Current Projects
- Physical models’ influence on idea generation (design fixation, mental model, naïve physics, sunk cost, etc.)
- Evaluation and development of methods for bioinspired design
- Development and testing of a sketch-based tutoring system for truss analysis
- The impact of design problem complexity on learning in capstone design
- MetaAnalogy via Performance Specification (MAPS)- defining a new approach for retrieving analogies based on the required performance of critical functions.
- Measuring the impact of Bioinspired Design Method impact on engineering creativity
- Development of new methods and tool for bioinspired design

Overview of the research process based on understanding designer cognition to create new methods and tools to support engineering design and innovation.
- 2012 Ferdinand P. Beer and E. Russell Johnston, Jr., Outstanding New Mechanics Educator Award
- 2012 IAAI Deployed Application Award for the paper, "Mechanix: A Sketch-Based Tutoring System for Statics Courses"
- 2010 ASEE-ERM (Education Research Methods) Apprentice Faculty Frontiers in Education Conference
- 2009 New Faculty Fellow American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
- 2006 Annual Conference Best Paper Nomination: Linsey, J., Cobb, B., Jensen, D., Wood, K., and Eways, S., 2006, “Methodology and Tools for Developing Hands-on Active Learning Activities.”
- RESNA (Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology Society of North America) 2006 Student Design Competition Winner
- Viswanathan, V., and Linsey, J., 2012, “Physical Models and Design Thinking: A Study of Functionality, Novelty and Variety of Ideas,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, accepted.
- Linsey, J., Markman, A., and Wood, K., 2012, “Design by Analogy: A Study of the WordTree Method for Problem Re-representation,” 134(4), pp. 041009-1-12 ASME Journal of Mechanical Design.
- Smith, S., and Linsey, J., 2011, “A Three-Pronged Approach for Overcoming Design Fixation,” Journal of Creative Behavior, 45(2), pp. 83-91.
- Linsey, J. S., Clauss, E. F., Kurtoglu, T., Murphy, J. T., Wood, K. L., and Markman, A. B., 2011, “An Experimental Study of Group Idea Generation Techniques: Understanding the Roles of Idea Representation and Viewing Methods,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 133 (3), pp.031008-1-15.
- English, K., Naim, A., Lewis, K., Schmidt*, S., Viswanathan*, V., Linsey, J., McAdams, D., Bishop, B., Campbell, M., Poppa, K., Stone, R., and Orsborn, S., 2010, “Impacting Designer Creativity through IT-Enabled Concept Generation.” ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering (JCISE) Special Issue on Knowledge-Based Design, 10(3), pp. 031007-1-10.
- Linsey, J., Tseng, I., Fu, K., Cagan, J., Wood, K., and Schunn, C., 2010, “A Study of Design Fixation, its Mitigation and Perception in Engineering Design Faculty,” ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 132(4), pp. 041003-1-12.
- Linsey, J., Talley, A., Jensen, D., and Wood, K. L., 2009, “From Tootsie Rolls to Broken Bones: An Innovative Approach for Active Learning in Mechanics of Materials,” Advances in Engineering Education, 1(3), pp. 1-23.
- Markman, A. B., Wood, K. L., Linsey, J. S., Murphy, J. T., and Laux, J. P., 2009, “Supporting Innovation by Promoting Analogical Reasoning.” In A. B. Markman and K. L. Wood (Eds.) Tools for Innovation, Oxford University Press, pp. 85-103.
- Linsey, J., Wood, K., and Markman, A., 2008, “Modality and Representation in Analogy,” AIEDAM, 22(2), pp. 85-100.
- Wood, K., and Linsey, J., 2006, “Understanding the Art of Design: Tools for the Next Edisonian Innovators,” in A. Markman and B. Ross (Eds.) The Psychology of Learning and Motivation, Academic Press, 47, pp. 65-122