(Dr. Ben Zinn, advisor)
"Study of an Internally Mixed Liquid Injector for Active Control of Atomization Process"
This document describes an experimental and theoretical investigation
of an internally mixed air assisted liquid injector. The primary objective
of this research is to develop a better liquid atomizer that could be actively
controlled to provide a fuel spray with desired properties over a wide
range of operating conditions of airborne gas turbine engines. Such an
injector would overcome the shortcomings of the state of the art pressure
and air-blast atomizers that produce poor sprays during part load operating
conditions, i.e., startup and idling. To attain the goals of this study,
the investigated injector would require capabilities for independent control
of the fuel flow rate and spray properties, e.g., droplet diameters and
trajectories, over the entire range of engine operating conditions. Such
capabilities would permit optimization of the combustor performance in
terms of, e.g., ignition, flame stability, combustor stability, efficiency
and emissions. This research consists of a thorough study of the fluid
dynamics and atomization process that will enable us to better understand
the physics of atomization induced by two-phase flow of liquid and gas
through an internally mixed air assisted injector. The aim of the experimental
efforts is to show the controllability of the proposed injector and to
identify the control variables. In support of the experimental studies,
an analytical model is being developed to model the physical processes
governing the operation of an internally mixed atomizer. The developed
model can be used as a control tool to predict the flow and spray properties
corresponding to specified operating conditions and to design better injectors.
Although this research is focused on developing an injector for airborne
gas turbine applications, it can be used in various industrial applications
involving generation of liquid sprays, e.g., spray painting, spray drying,
drug delivery etc.