M.S. Thesis Presentation by Robert W. Bush
Thursday, June 28, 2001

(Dr. Imme Ebert-Uphoff, advisor)

"Design of an Active Acceleration Compensation Robot"


This thesis involves the design of an acceleration compensation robot.  This prototype robot will be used to evaluate the practicability of acceleration compensation robots.  The basic operation of the prototype robot is as follows.  The robot will be situated on a mobile base that is subject to accelerations in the vertical plane.  The robot will manipulate a platform, or end-effector, such that accelerations will be compensated for at the end-effector.  The prototype robot will be capable of moving the platform through rotational and translational motions.  Translational movement will be used to eliminate quick and short accelerations while rotation of the platform will be used to orient the platform so that the acceleration is normal to its surface for accelerations experienced over a longer time period.

The focus of this thesis is on designing a prototype robot that could satisfy the above criteria.  In short, this design thesis encompasses the following challenges:

1) Development of kinematic and static models of the proposed prototype (implemented in Matlab), including force transmission throughout the workspace.
2) Evaluation of various robotic manipulator configurations by assessing the usable workspace of the manipulator.
3) Deciding upon the configuration and dimensions of the prototype based on steps 1 and 2.
4) Design and Construction of the prototype, including structural design, motor selection, motor-drive selection, motion controller selection, revolute joint design, etc.
5) Overall evaluation of the prototype.